Captain hindsight
Captain hindsight

captain hindsight captain hindsight

In the early days of his leadership, a key part of Starmer’s political brand was therfore to assert, through as many means as possible: “I am not Jeremy Corbyn”. The leadership contest that propelled Starmer to power came about after an election in which Labour recorded its worst result since 1935. As a result, voters are hard pressed to identify what is different about his offering. But at this point, a year in, he has landed in a position of failing to offer an alternative agenda.

captain hindsight

At the peak of the crisis, Starmer sought to portray himself as offering constructive criticism and cooperation with the government. The government is dominating the agenda in the pandemic. It is of course difficult for Starmer to make an impact on the electorate during this unprecedented time. There seems to be a lack of clarity over what he stands for and his overall message to the electorate. Now, a recent poll of polls shows support for Starmer falling since the peak last summer. He had a robust start when he took over in April 2020, winning over large swaths of party members and outperforming Boris Johnson in polls on “most trusted” and as “ preferred choice for prime minister”. Keir Starmer’s honeymoon period as leader of the Labour Party appears to be over.

Captain hindsight